Parish Mission Statement

The Mission of St. John's parish is to love God, love our neighbors, share the gospel and build the kingdom of God.

Parish Vision Statement

As a Catholic community, St. John's parish will help all people encounter Christ by: 1) Witnessing to Christ through our daily lives; 2) Nurturing lifelong faith through recognizing, developing and sharing our gifts; 3) Celebrating the Sacrements; and 4) Supporting and enriching small faith communities. 

Coming up!

Caitlin Clark Gives Back

We are proud to share that Dowling Alum, Caitlin Clark, is giving back to ... Read More »

Journey Through Grief

St. John's Caring Hearts Bereavement Team hosts "Journey Through Grief".  Journey Through Grief is ... Read More »

Coats for Kids and Sunday Breakfast

The Fifth Sunday Collection June 29/30 will go to the Coats for Kids program ... Read More »




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Online Giving

Set up weekly giving or make a one-time donation here!


Mass Times

Tuesday 5:30 pm
Wednesday 8:30 am
Thursday 8:30 am
Friday 8:30 am
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 8:30 am and 11:00 am

Reconciliation, Rosary, Adoration

Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 - 4 pm, in the church confessional.

Rosary: Thursday  7:45pm; Saturday and Sunday 30 minutes before Mass.

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday 9 am to 9 pm; Benediction at 6 pm


Office Hours and Phone

Monday through Thursday:
9 am - 4 pm; Friday: 9 am - Noon

Phone: 515-993-4482 (Parish Office)

IN CASE OF AN AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY you may contact Fr. Michael at the rectory, 515-993-1056.

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